X, formerly known as Twitter, encountered a significant technical issue around 11:00 AM on Thursday, December 21, leading to a widespread outage for users in India. Individuals across the country reported seeing a ‘Welcome to your timeline’ message instead of the usual tweets on both the website and mobile application. The Elon Musk-operated X platform became inaccessible to its dedicated users, and the hashtag #TwitterDown started trending on various social media platforms.
The problem resulted in numerous netizens in India being unable to use the microblogging platform X, with many experiencing the ‘Welcome to your timeline’ message instead of regular tweets on their feeds. According to Downdetector data, over 47,000 users in the United States encountered access issues with X and X Pro.
This outage is not the first for the microblogging site; earlier this year, X faced similar issues, such as links within tweets not working and images failing to load for several users throughout their timelines.