Speculations are rife that Kailash Bhagat, a seasoned political leader and a prominent figure in social and business circles, may contest the upcoming Lok Sabha elections from the prestigious Kurukshetra constituency, if the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) projects him as the NDA candidate.
Born into a family deeply rooted in public service, Kailash Bhagat inherits a legacy of dedication and commitment to the welfare of society. His father, Shri Amarnath Bhagat ji, was a stalwart in the political arena, having served as the President of Improvement Trust and contested Legislative Assembly elections, leaving an indelible mark on the political landscape.
With a rich political and social experience spanning decades, Kailash Bhagat has been an active participant in shaping the socio-political fabric of the region. From contesting assembly elections to holding key positions in prominent parties like the Indian National Lok Dal (INLD), he has tirelessly worked towards the upliftment of his constituents.
Beyond politics, Kailash Bhagat’s commitment to social causes is exemplary. His passion for cow protection and education, especially for girls, is evident through his initiatives in building cow shelters, schools, and colleges. The establishment of temples and Dharamshalas, such as the Kailash Dham and Jai Ram Adarsh Goshala, stands as a testament to his devotion to religious and spiritual welfare.
In the realm of education, Kailash Bhagat’s contributions are commendable. The establishment of the Jai Ram Amar Nath Bhagat Kanya Mahavidyalaya has empowered hundreds of girls in Serdha village, reflecting his vision for a progressive and inclusive society.
As a businessman, Kailash Bhagat has excelled in the rice export industry, significantly contributing to the economic development of the region. His tenure as the Chairman of Haryana State Cooperative Supply and Marketing Federation Ltd. (HAFED) witnessed groundbreaking initiatives in rice export, benefiting both farmers and the organization. With his multifaceted experience and unwavering commitment to public service, Kailash Bhagat seeks to represent the aspirations of the people of Kurukshetra in the Lok Sabha.
In the context of the farmer protests, Kailash Bhagat’s candidature will be the right choice for the BJP, bringing credibility to the party amongst farmers. His tenure as HAFED Chairman has earned him significant goodwill amongst farmers, further strengthening his candidacy.
If Kailash Bhagat contests from Kurukshetra and Ashok Tanwar contests from Ambala, BJP will get fresh energy with new faces, resulting in a sweep across Haryana. Kailash Bhagat’s decision to contest the Lok Sabha elections underscores his dedication to serving the nation and his unwavering resolve to bring about positive change. As he embarks on this journey, he solicits the support and blessings of the people of Kurukshetra, promising to be their voice in the highest echelons of governance.